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  • was created on 12/28/2000
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Dan Stratton   8/22/2010 08:32am
It feels like a quiet Minnesota River here in Notalot. The only sounds are the morning birds and the occasional annoying dog. As I slip my canoe into the water, I am happy for the quiet -- knowing that throughout the day there will be many interruptions. The water slaps against my boat and I can't help but think how noisy I must be to the fish and the birds all around me. As I get balanced with one foot in the bottom of the canoe and the other wet sneaker pushing off -- I get quieter as the water has a way of taking charge. Today, there'll be no hurry and with all of my strength I proclaim - no worry.
Dan   8/4/2010 05:03pm
Hey --

Texted back and forth with Mike Dullum -- Traded barbs and pleasantries with Mike Kime ... back and forth on facebook with Marlyse --

It is so cool that we can stay in touch. Now, I am getting to know Marlyse's sons and Mike Dullum's daughter is getting married and Mike Kime wants to challenge me to a foot race.

Mr. Dullum says that the son in law to be is a good guy.

I am sitting in a restaurant on 85th and Columbus, having a beer (or three) and a salad -- what is the point? I just had a voice lesson with an incredible woman who has a movie about her -- coming to NYC next week -- Yes, I will be doing the red carpet scene next week. Her name is Barbara Conrad and we are learning a series of Spirituals together - or should I say I am learning them so that we can sing them together. I am really excited about this -- She says that I have a brother living on the inside of me. I took that as a compliment.

I found out that Nancy DeKarske lives a few towns over from me. What else? My sister turns fifty this month.. How did she get to be older than me?

We started an initiative in Harlem called Jobenomics, as we are trying to do something - other than complain about what the government is or isn't doing - about the jobless situation. Check it out online.

What else? -- I am processing a charter school application for Tribeca -- We are interested in the kids that others aren't interested in. I am on a steep learning curve here.

How bout this ? Anybody in our class who might be a principal at a public company who needs funding should contact me. I have a great source right now for you.

Hmmm.... Wade in the Water -- Wade in the Water children --

I got a brother in a dat Kingdom, aint a that good news?

I'm gonna ride the chariot in the morning Lord,

Deep River -- Swing Low -- Fair thee well...

---- talkin to myself and feeling low -- Rainy days and Wednesdays -- I was going to say always get me down -- but you know better --

Something good is coming your way today.

Have an amazing day -- after all -- you are good lookin'.

Sean Gardner   7/27/2010 06:32pm
Jimmy Stewart's famous stutter/drawl was because, indeed, he couldn't remember his lines either.
Dan Stratton   7/27/2010 05:44am

I like to remind myself that "Since we live forever, there is no mid - life crisis." I think I learned that fact from my ninth grade algebra teacher in a discussion about infinity -- . It might have been the geometry class in 10th grade with Reuben Alitz. (Mr. Kuchera was our Algebra instructor.)

It is always great to hear about folks getting together to hang out to catch up and to help out. Facebook allows me to see the conversations that go back and forth. It is fun. So ....

How is everybody doing?
What are you up to these days?
How have the mosquitos been out at the lake?
Real Estate prices holding?
Do they have a good early bird special anywhere?
How are the prices on eggs? Bait? Gas?

We had a flash tornado in the Bronx yesterday. But then again Tornadoes are like that. I am assuming that the plural of Tornado is just like the plural of Tomato. You say Tomato, I say Tornado -- yeah, that's how I remember it.

Had a good time the other night in Anaheim, California -- It reminded me of old times with my high school friends. A bunch of business types were tired of the talk, so they asked me to sing and I worked through pretty much every song I knew from Camelot, My Fair Lady, Brigadoon, Fiddler, West Side Story and a few from Man of La Mancha -- I think I hit Carousel and Oklahoma and yes we even caught 7 Brides for 7 Brothers. There was a friend who did Summertime for us. He was great -- a very nice tenor voice.

So, I thought of my friends Ron Lemieux and Jeff Bryant -- Jeff Kaufer and Jim Waldo -- Jerry Kolashinski and Greg Kovatch -- and of course the ladies as well -- but I can't pull off the alto and soprano songs -- Tami, Donna, Mary, GiGi, Lorrie and the others --

A little bit of memory lane ...

We are living in interesting times my friends and indeed the conversations can get heavy at times -- as there is so much to be done and so many people taking a break due to the overwhelming pressure they are under. Hope is lost to many and for those of you who still have it, remember to share it a bit, because when hope is truly lost for too many then things will get dark indeed. I just noticed that I really like the word indeed. Indeed, I do.

I am a bit frightened to talk about anything at all here -- so for now I will head for the safer havens -- as notalot can get a little windy and a bit snarly and gnarly -- even when we come together with the best of intentions. I wish our reunion were closer but 2012 will come soon enough. I don't wish to rush things. I want to lose another 30 pounds by then and look younger than I did at the last reunion. Hey, we all can have goals and dreams can't we? I think I may just go to the reunion parties of the class of 1976. I just did that at Yale and had an amazing time -- I went to the reunion of the class a year ahead.

In all your getting - get understanding.

I understand this -- Friendship is priceless.

Thanks again Sean for this site -- It has been just such a blessing to be able to catch up with Greg and Mark and Cindy and to make new friends -- Stacy --

To all the girls I loved before .... ( Can you hear my Iglesias impersonation? ) Who traveled in and out my door ...

It's a funny thing - love.

Friendship - love - I think about these things more these days.

Had an incredible three hour dinner last night with my wife and daughter. We sat outside at a restaurant that 28 years ago was a dance place where I went to two-step. I didn't think of it till now. Great Italian food and Great Italian company... My daughter likes to remind me that I'm not Italian.

So, ... I love the pregnant pauses in conversations... Barb Klare used to say that I overused the pregnant pause on stage... She knew it was because I couldn't remember my lines... "More Weight". I remember that line. I got my request.

Much love to all my friends and foes --

Off to safer waters.

Sean Gardner   7/27/2010 00:35am
If the guestbook was blowing up on you when you tried to add an entry over the last few days, you can blame my web hosting company. They removed access to a programming component the guestbook was using. If you're subscribed to the RSS feed, this problem was also preventing the feed from updating.

A workaround is in place now and all is well again.
Julie O'Brien   7/26/2010 08:56am
Just popping in to see who has been writing and what has been going at Notalot! I have been very fortunate to see some of our classmates last Wed evening out in Hudson, so gal-pals what a fun time seeing you all, Beth, Ann, Cindy, Debbie and Cindy enjoyed our conversation and dinner :-)!!
Cindy Pabst Teal   7/17/2010 08:51pm
Good to see you out here again, Dan. Life is short and seems to get shorter every day. I must admit notalot draws us all back in one way or another, each of us with our own purpose and not unlike how we all grew up out here in notalotland. I grew up in St. Paul Park and did not experience the neighborhood gangs as such but still have a strong sense of togetherness and feel it everytime I check in here. Good, bad or otherwise, we all check in and all keep tabs. Nice...notalot but nice.
Dan Stratton   7/16/2010 10:32am
There have been times when it has fallen to me to say words during troubled times. During the tragedy of 9-11 as we would sit under the tent where people would come to claim loved ones, it would fall to me when the reality set in -- all eyes would go to see what would be done, what could be done and for me the question would always be what should be done - and in most cases the should part was a listening/catching/tabla rasa role as you would allow the person most effected to decide who they wanted you to be. It was quite an education for me and humbling for me, as many times I had to allow myself to be the object of their anger or their disgust or their heartfelt frustration and it was to me to do all that I could to deflect so that I wouldn't be crushed by the sudden seemingly personal attack on me -- but I learned -- they weren't angry or frustrated at me. They were just angry and frustrated and had to have a place to express themselves and at times like those I would stand there and take it -- and funny as this may sound -- if I would allow them to effect me or hurt me just a little then for them it was just a little more satisfying and I would later be able to lead them to a path of healing -- It's funny how that is.

As I come to Notalot -- I see the pain that getting older brings -- I see the love and the compassion and the friendships that linger and that are being newly formed -- for me it has been a gift as I have been reconnected with childhood friends who left impressions on me that are still with me and that bring me great joy.

I remember looking for salamanders with both Mark T. and Greg D. I remember skating with Greg W.. He was always a much better skater than me, but it didn't stop me from doing my best to compete. (In fact, I was terrible on skates. Don G. and I used to go skating over near Armstrong and leave with bruises on our elbows from falling that, had they been photographed, may have qualified for the Guiness book of world records.) Gus may not remember it that way, but I certainly do. The Wilwerts lived next to the Langs and Pete was always a great friend to me. He was talented in so many ways. He loved to laugh and his friendship with Mike Hamerly was always a bit of an adventure as they both loved to push the limits, but what I remember most about Pete was his generous spirit.

I am trying to remember who lived in the house across from the Wilwerts -- before the Brangs moved in. I think it was Laurie Hannah. I remember the Egans and the Pappenfuss family and the Belchers and the Roberts and the Picks and around the corner were the Nielsens. Lots of kids and lots of fun and as I walk the other way I see Lori Fredericks and Tom Smith and the Arneson/Roeller families and the Garcias and the Hovdes and the Ritters and I do so with fond memories.

As I sit in my office in New Jersey -- I just felt compelled to write something out here in Notalot. Notalot is happening here and I would so like to get the dialogue cranking again. It is good to see what is going on -- on facebook and it is wonderful to touch base there -- but there is something special here -- even though sometimes some invective needs to be expressed. To all those that need to do that, maybe now would be the time to do that. I am better trained today -- to take the shots than I was in High School and the years following. I have learned to allow myself to be hurt -- while refusing to be offended.

Last night, I took the time to put two of my friends together -- they are both doctors -- and they both needed each other on different levels -- and as we spoke together for 3 hours -- healing took place -- mainly as each person spoke they came to conclusions that they wouldn't have come to had they been silent in their own minds. The friendship and the desire to see true deliverance and healing come -- brought just that. And for three hours, I had very little to say. Believe it or not, I really enjoyed the evening.

I know this is a little bit different than most of the posts that most people would deem appropriate. For a long time, I have just ventured out without asking permission. It is my way of helping others to do the same. I really want to encourage you to write. I love to hear from my old friends and from folks that I grew up with as it seems we see the world in a way that I really enjoy -- even when we might have come to different conclusions. I can honestly say ... what a great group of folks you are.

Peace --
Greg DuBois   7/14/2010 04:10pm
Thought I would come out of the woods to see if anything is happening in Notalot, and lo and behold a couple of recent posts.

Prayers to Greg.

Mark Tronnier   7/4/2010 03:54pm
Hi All-

Just a note to Greg Wilwert to say that my heart goes out to you brother and I'm down on my knees in prayer that somehow there's a way to fight and cure this. Thought and prayers are with you. I haven't stayed in touch with Greg since school, but I had Greg in one class or another during school. Thanks for the info Cindy and good to hear from Dan and Lisa.
Dan Stratton   7/3/2010 07:16pm

I told everybody that I would stay away, because the guy that said that he wouldn't come here if I were part of it, or something like that needed to get a chance to participate, but I just couldn't stay away today because I just had to say that I have 1977 friends on facebook.

Now that is not anything to brag about, but it is kind of a serendipity and since serendipity is just fun to write, or say for that matter, I thought I would come over here to notalot to say just that - not a lot - now that is serendipitious.

On the other hand, I will pray for Greg, but not here in Notalot, because I don't want some anonymous person to be offended by a scriptural prayer from me or .. whatever.

So, how is everybody. I don't know when I will be back to Minnesota where everyone is soooo Minnesota nic (ssss) e... You have to linger on the s sound when you say the soft c in Minnesoooota nice.

Well... I just thought I would come out and ring a bit of banter in a bit of second.
Lisa Koyama   7/2/2010 07:41pm
I was wondering since I haven't looked at this site since our last HS reunion, if anyone from Armstrong elementary has written a message in the past. Does anyone know?
Cindy Pabst Teal   6/15/2010 08:06am
Just heard that Greg Wilwert is fighting cancer. It sounds like it is a cancer that cannot be cured but can be treated. Greg does not have health insurance. He is a realtor at Edina Realty in Cottage Grove with his wife, Sherry. A benefit is in the beginning stages of planning. I do know the date is set for October 2nd. I'll keep everyone in touch with more information as it rolls out. For now keep Greg and his family in your prayers as I will.
Mark Tronnier   5/14/2010 02:42pm
It is especially sad and touches us all when a classmate has passed away. Sending a note of condolensce to the Sharon Morgan family and friends. Thanks for the update Sean. I hope everyone is doing well.
Mark Tronnier   5/2/2010 01:37pm

Kenny your mom is a saint! It's good to hear stories like that because we grow to appreciate our folks as time goes by. I apologize for not informing the group here but sadly Dave Wildes father passed away last year. I was unable to attend the funeral as they were like family to us and I talk to Dave every so often, he's doing well. I do remember the snare drum, how funny was that. Does your brother still play?

It would be nice to get some musicians/singers together from our class sometime for a "jam" session. Have a BBQ? I purchased a gorgeous 1972 Gibson Les Paul a couple years ago as I always wanted one. Finally! But I find myself playing the nylon string classical more often. Go figure.

Kenny Nelson   4/27/2010 10:39am
Please excuse my grammar in the previous message. I did not learn that at Grove! lol.
Kenny Nelson   4/27/2010 10:34am
Greetings all,

First of all I want to extend my heartfelt sympathy to Cindy Teal and all of her family at this very difficult time. I pray that God will comfort you in the days ahead.

Mark, Wow you just brought back some wonderful memories for me from the days at Grove school! Thank you for the kind words!

Yes, I remember that day in the gymnasium at Grove. I know for sure that I picked "Folsom Prison Blues" and perhaps "Wildwood Flower". I loved it so much that I didn't want to leave the stage! LOL.

The guitar and amp was a Sears Silvertone (Danelectro)and an all tube amp/case combo. The amp was a whopping 12 or 15 watts of tube power!

I also remember having friends from school over to the house. Some of those friends included You, David Wiles, Kevin Elsbury (who helped me caring my guitar amp/case back and forth to Grove),and Ray Tharaldson. I delighted in having you guys touch the toggle switch on my amp in your stocking feet and then seeing the reaction from the jolt that you all got! lol!I also remember melting plastic toy army men on those red hot tubes!!! How about you on the snare drum! Remember that song "Cherokee Nation"? Wasn't that song a Paul Reveere and The Raiders tune?

The day that I got that guitar package-Mom was shopping for a sewing machine. We were at the Sears store on Rice St. While mom was shopping, Dad and I went upstairs. It was there that I fell in love with that guitar. Mom graciously gave up her dream of getting a sewing machine so that I could get that guitar. Money only went so far. Now that's love! I wish that I still had that guitar-perhpas one day I get one like it again.

I have since offered to buy Mom a sewing machine-but she she rather buy her close etc in a store.

We hope to record some material in the near future. I'll let you know when we get that project done.

Thanks again for those great memories!
Mark Tronnier   4/26/2010 01:32pm
I received the sad news that Cindy Pabst Teal's father passed away on Saturday April 24th. The following information was sent to me and would like to pass it along:

The funeral arrangments are as follows:

Visitation; Wednesday April 28th 4-8PM
Caturia-Smidt Funeral Home
201 E 7th St.
Hastings, MN 55033

Funeral; Thursday April 29th 11AM
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
2035 15th St. W.
Hastings, MN 55033

Thoughts and Prayers to Cindy and the family.
Mark Tronnier   4/23/2010 09:43pm
Kenny- I would like to get a copy of your next recording project! Let us know when it is on sale. I've always appreciated your enthusiasm and commitment to the guitar.

I remember the time when you played your guitar for the whole school. (Grove) Sometimes we exaggerate the facts a bit but not in this case.

You played a solo piece or instrumental with an electic guitar and a small amp in the gymnasium for the whole school. I'm guessing that your style was after Chet Atkins or Merle Travis.

When you finished playing your song the whole school "erupted" into a controlled chaotic frenzy, probably not seen the likes of since!
(This was the beginning of the "groupie" era)

But my question to you is:
Do you remember the song you performed?
The guitar you played at that time?
The amp you used?
Kenny Nelson   4/14/2010 11:07am
Hello Everyone,

My thoughts and prayers are with Rob Jackson and his family.

Mark-I had a blessed Easter spent with family-I hope you and the guests on this forum did as well. Mark, Our band has been recording but only demos from rehearsals. We hope to spend more time recording in the near future. Our first gig as a band will be this Saturday at Huikko's Entertainment Center in Buffalo,Mn.

Take care,
Mark Tronnier   4/12/2010 12:20pm
Well as Count Basie once said "One more once". Here goes again.

Just wanted to chime in on Rob's battle with cancer on Saturday that it sounded like it was a good time. Unfortunately I was not able to attend the benefit. I think he and his family are going to need continued support. We might as well dedicate "The Hill" poem to Rob Jackson in his fight. Annie Elmer, Kathi and others were an inspiration for this poem. It is for the Class Project. Thanks Sean.

The Hill
by Mark Tronnier
It seemed like a simple thing… a challenge it would bring.

To climb a hill from childhood’s past, creating memories that would last.

An old hill was the test for these bones that preferred rest.

Some thirty years since I departed the hometown where dreams had started.

To be young again at heart, one more time to play the part.

A simple climb just to see if reliving memories were meant to be.

It all started one day as innocently enough,
While resting and relaxing doing the week-end stuff.

When suddenly I awoke to hear the phone ringing,
A friend from back home with a request she was bringing.

She suggested to me and another friend too,
To climb the old hill just for something to do.

A chance to catch-up and reminisce about the good times,
When kids could buy candy with nickels and dimes.

So I confided derided and then decided,
To answer in haste would thus be misguided.

I said yes and agreed to the climb,
On one condition that I could schedule the time.

With a busy job and a relocation,
I looked forward to a relaxing vacation.

The calendars were marked and day was set,
It was quickly written down so I would not forget.

The sands of time continued to steady,
For the fountain of youth a swimsuit was ready.

Weeks passed by without blinking an eye,
A thousand stars twinkled bright on the eve of our try.

The sun rose early to greet the day,
Clear skies were ahead to show us the way.
But the hill was quite old,
And many tales would be told,
Of a part being haunted and buried with gold.
Tales of the hill were passed down through the years,
Of its legends and myths and folklore fears.
The hill could tell stories of seasons and change,
The howling and whistling both eerie and strange.

Some say a grumpy old man once guarded the land,
With a gun and a sign for all to understand.
No shots were ever fired or witnesses to see,
But the children who were missing were just playing hooky.
The Indian trails aplenty which once were around,
Were not frequented nor visited and could not be found.
Like seed sown paths given freely to time,
And words kept hidden from forgotten rhyme.

So up the hill the trek began,
With careful steps and according to plan.

Helping each other along the way,
Words that before were forgotten to say.

Encouragement met with a nod and a smile,
A means to the end that made it worthwhile.

The trees and branches guiding us along,
Summer breeze singing its familiar old song.

By the leaves of the trees was marked the season,
Earthly change inspiring art and reason.

The birds sang of their momentary delight,
In a medley of songs and lessons in flight.

The hill getting steeper while the feet were digging deeper.
This simple feat was nearly complete.

The climb to the top had finally ended,
But the view from above looked rather splendid.

Everyone knew as the sky was so blue,
Like a painting or a matte too good to be true.
For miles and miles the eye could see,
The search now complete and over for me.
Distant memories echoed from childhood’s past,
Put in perspective and understood at last.
Looking out over the town below,
Enjoying the moment ‘til it was time to go.

Reflecting on memories of a by-gone day,
Where the past meets the present in a timeless way.
But the hill of hope is born a chance,
Ascending assurance in unseen circumstance.

Each step of faith to open a gate,
Of freedoms will and wisdom’s wait.
The true test was not the hill,
But of mindset, heart and will.

For in this simple climb was discovered,
A basic childhood joy uncovered.

To retrace the steps of forgotten paths,
Remembering the joy that simplicity has.

Of trees and birds and summer and things,
Of stories and tales that adventure brings.

Being with friends who offer you a smile,
Especially at the most difficult mile.

Pretending each day as if it were the last,
Not worrying about future, present or past.
To be childlike not in emotion,
But in love, faith and devotion.
We start out as children and become adults,
Learning to achieve and produce results.
So many unquestioned answers and unanswered questions,
To life’s sentence and structure of inverted suppositions.

But... if you remain a child at heart,
Your life may find a brand new start.

And real change should only begin,
With a smile that is deep and comes from within.

To see love conquer hate the world may be blind,
Innocence and Trust need not be left behind.

A profound destination may start at a crawl,
To walk then run and taking a fall.

So be true to yourself in all that you do,
And believe in the story that wishes come true.

The sun rose early to greet the day,
Clear skies were ahead to show us the way…
Mark Tronnier   4/6/2010 08:48pm
Hi Park Class of 77-

First of all Sue- my thoughts and prayers are with Rob and your family. There are a lot folks that pulling for him. I must admit it was emotional to see him offer a smile such a big smile after the surgery, what a spirited human being!

I couldn't help but copy from the Facebook site the following message that would seem appropriate at this time:

Support for Rob Jackson's Battle Against Brain Cancer Time is flying and the benefit is almost here!! Tacos, beer, soda pop and tons of great items in the silent auction... April 10th, 1-5pm at Jersey's in Inver Grove! We can't wait to see so many of you amazing people there. Thanks for your continued support everyone! Remember to get tickets beforehand for only $20! $25 at the door.

I deemed my last two entries a bit long and decided to ask Sean to remove them as they didn't convey my thoughts the way I intended.

I posted "The Hill" poem that was printed in the Bulletin last fall, however this was the second time I decided to pull it down here due to other more important concerns that it seemed to be more of a distraction (because of its length), so off to the class project it will go.

Kenny I hope you had a great Easter and wondering if you're doing any recording?
Stacy thanks again for your perseverance in the class project.
Dan- don't be discouraged by negative comments or the perception of it, you've been the initiator here at the sight for some time.
John it's good to hear from you too. I hope things are going well.

Thanks again Sean for this site!

Stacy - Class Project   4/3/2010 05:23pm
Mark, check your email for project update. Everyone else who is a "confirmed author" please check your personal email as well (the one you provided me with). If it's not there check your junk folder as I did a group mailing. Sent 4/3. Thanks, Stacy
Kenny Nelson   4/1/2010 10:11am
This Holy week we are reminded of the ultimate love and sacrifice that Jesus demonstrated on the cross. He did it because He loves us more than we will ever be able to comprehend. No one has ever done what Jesus has done-ever.

So let us forgive one another. Let's forget the past. We are all sinners, and deserve rath and punishment-but Jesus paid the price in full to truly set us free.It's a free gift- not a gift that is forced upon us, but rather a gift that is meant for us to accept freely. I delight in sharing this good news!

Happy Easter!
John P. Bous   3/26/2010 01:06pm
Nicely said Stacy. I have known Dan for some 40 + years and find it interesting how so may people fail to look in the mirror or forget our own past, be them humble beginnings or not.
Some times we have to learn to forgive our selves before we can forgive others. To see how we may have been we only need to look at the generation of children we have brought into the world.
Hello to all of the rest.
Best wishes to all.
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Sean Gardner, Janet Ann (Pinski) Gunderson

To contact the Reunion Committee by postal mail, send to:
Reunion Committee
c/o Cindy (Pabst) Teal
2005 17th Ave SE
Aberdeen, SD 57401

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Guestbook by Zeta Software GbR, Germany. Modified for use on this site.
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